Recent Grants Awarded
- UT Austin PI: Maruthi Akella
- CO-PIs: Luis Sentis, Mitch Pryor
- Lead PI: Robert Amrose, Texas A&M
- Funding Source: U.S. Space Force
- Award: $37.6M (UT Share $5.8M)
- Award Date: 6/2024
- UT Austin PI: Thomas Underwood
- Funding Source: DARPA
- Award: $1M
- Award Date: 3/15/2024
- UT Austin PI: Thomas Underwood
- CO-PIs: C. Buddie Mullins and Graeme Henkelman, Dept. of Chemistry, UT Austin
- Funding Source: Samsung Global Research Outreach (GRO)
- Award: $150K
- Award Date: 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2025
- UT Austin PI: Thomas Underwood
- CO-PIs: Noel Clemens
- Funding Source: University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics
- Award: $1.5 M
- Award Date: 2/2024 to 2/2026
- UT Austin PI: Ann Chen
- Funding Source: NASA
- Award: $620K (UT share $100K)
- Award Date: 4/2024 - 3/2027
Game Theoretic Models for Robust Cyber-Physical Interactions: Inference and Design under Uncertainty
- UT Austin PI: David Fridovich-Keil
- Funding Source: National Science Foundation CAREER
- Award: $599,976
- Award Date: 1/15/24 - 12/31/28
- UT Austin PI: Brandon Jones
- CO-PIs: Renato Zanetti
- Funding Source: NASA
- Award: $1.9M
- Award Date: 12/23
- CO-PIs: Tan Bui-Thanh, L.L. Raja
- Lead PI: Arizona State
- Funding Source: Department of Energy
- Award: $5M (UT Share $1.1M)
- Award Date: 10/23
- UT Austin PI: Fabrizio Bisetti
- CO-PIs: Noel Clemens
- Funding Source: National Science Foundation
- Award: $555K
- Award Date: 8/23 - 7/26
Representations, Theory, and Algorithms for Autonomous Space Domain Awareness in the Cislunar Regime
- Lead PI: Ufuk Topcu, Renato Zanetti
- Funding Source: Create the Future Independent Research Effort (CFIRE) program and sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
- Award: $4M
- Award Date: 9/23
- UT Austin PI: Tan Bui-Thanh
- Funding Source: National Science Foundation's Office of Advanced Cyber Infrastructure, the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences' Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Fusion Energy Sciences program with Los Alamos National Lab, and the Oakridge National Lab
- Award: Three grants total more than $1M
- Award Date: 2023 (various dates)
These grants will support the development of scientific machine learning models that take into account uncertainty and use underlying governing mathematical models to fill in data gaps, the same way our brains do. The result is the ability to use limited information and physics laws to create machine learning models that are able to do as much or even faster than real-time processing and predicting than models that rely on only the governing physics or that are purely data-driven. Learn more.
- UT Austin PI: Maruthi Akella
- Lead PI: Kathleen Howell, Purdue University
- Funding Source: AFOSR
- Award: $4.5M
- Award Date: 7/23
- UT Austin PI: Shaolie Hossain
- CO-PIs: Thomas J.R. Hughes
- Funding Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Award: $437,058
- Award Date: 9/1/23 to 8/31/25
- UT Austin PI: Tan Bui-Thanh
- Funding Source: Department of Energy
- Award: $3.3M (UT Share $510K)
- Award Date: 09/01/23 - 08/31/26
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