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Office Location: ASE 4.214
David B. Goldstein
Bob R. Dorsey Professorship in Engineering
Department Research Areas:
Aerothermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Research Interests:
- Development of Numerical Methods
- Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Detailed Flow Physics
- Hypersonics, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Planetary Atmospheres
Dr. Goldstein specializes in fluid dynamics, particularly in the areas of incompressible turbulence, boundary layer transition, flow control, hypersonics and rarefied gas dynamics. Current projects involve plume impingement on space debris, geysers and volcanic plumes on Jovian and Saturnian moons, the escape of Pluto’s atmosphere, laminar-to-turbulent boundary layer transition due to surface roughness, turbulent drag reduction using polymer additives, and active control of separating flows. This work is funded by NASA, NSF, AFOSR and the U.S. Space Force. He has served on the Cockrell School of Engineering faculty since 1993. He has a half year of industrial experience and combined, has published over 280 journal publications, conference publications and book chapters.