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Office Location: ASE 3.212
Srinivas V. Bettadpur
Fellow of the FSX Professorship in Space Applications and Exploration
Department Research Areas:
Orbital Mechanics
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests:
- Orbital Mechanics, Perturbations, and Orbit Determination
- Space Geodesy (Earth's Shape, Orientation & Gravity Field)
- Modeling, Determination and Interpretation of Gravity Field
- Space Mission Design
- Data Analytics and Numerical Methods
The Earth is very dynamical object - its shape, orientation and mass distribution change on time-scales of days to millenia, driven by physical process in the ocean, the atmosphere, the ice and in the solid Earth. These dynamical processes can be studied from space, using radiometric, laser, and (now) quantum sensing measurements, together with sophisticated models for the orbital motion of artificial satellites. Dr. Bettadpur's core interests are the design and architecture of space missions for this purpose; the analysis of space geodetic data; and the interpretation of the results.
Dr. Bettadpur holds an appointment as well in the Department of Geological Sciences in the Jackson School of Geosciences, and is an affiliate of the UT Applied Research Laboratory.
He is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA, and a Fellow of the IAG.
He also serves as President of Commission-2 (Gravity Field) of the International Association of Geodesy for 2023-2027 term, whose international electorate includes representatives from adherent nations to the IUGG/ICSU.
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Recent Awards and Honors
- American Geophysical Union Charles A. Whitten Medal, 2024
- NASA Exceptional Public Achievement Medal, 2018
- European Geosciences Union Vening-Meinesz Medal, 2016
- William T. Pecora Team Award, U.S. Dept. of Interior and NASA to GRACE Team, 2007
- American Geophysical Union Charles A. Whitten Medal, 2024
- NASA Exceptional Public Achievement Medal, 2018
- European Geosciences Union Vening-Meinesz Medal, 2016
- William T. Pecora Team Award, U.S. Dept. of Interior and NASA to GRACE Team, 2007