


The LiNC Team


Team Leader and Software Development:            Dave Weyburn

David Weyburn is a straight shooter with upper-level management written all over him. In addition to having spent most of his co-op term last semester coding for Boeing to create user interfaces and data analysis tools, he also has experience coding for CanSat this past summer, for ASE 211 and ASE 366, and for a brief bit of time with a software development firm.  David holds an amateur radio license and has experience working with satellite hardware.  Interested in pursuing a career on the private side of aerospace, he has great interest in the satellite industry.


Hardware:                                                                   Christopher Velez

During his time as an aerospace student, Christopher has acquired skills and experiences beneficial to satellite tracking.  He has done work on the CanSat project.  While working on CanSat, he designed the electronics and power subsystems and integrated said systems with the communications and data handling subsystems. Christopher also worked within his team on the mission and logistical planning, and with a Q team that was working on a similar project at the same time.  He holds an amateur radio license, is familiar with the Satellite Design Lab and has experience tracking satellites and using the equipment in the lab.


Systems Integration and Software:                        Marcin Lenart

Experienced with CanSat and familiar with the satellite laboratory on the fourth floor, Marcin has logged several hours tracking satellites with the current tracking station. Part of the satellite tracking station project is the software required to make the tracking hardware operate properly and remotely from a PC in the lab. As a research assistant in the Aerospace Department, Marcin had the chance to write orbital mechanics software including a software package for the visualization of data. Experienced with, C++, JavaScript, FORTRAN, HTML, and Matlab. Marcin has been the team leader of the AIAA Rube Goldberg Design team and is capable of designing and manufacturing various hardware components.


Hardware:                                                                Anne Burnham

Anne has completed a co-op at the NASA Johnson Space Center, where she worked on the design of pyrotechnic hardware for the Space Shuttle and Space Station and was certified as an Inventory and Stowage Officer in Mission Control. She is currently a research assistant in the University of Texas Aerospace Engineering
Department. She is experienced with Matlab, Satellite Took Kit, Pro/Engineering, C++, and Mathematica.

Page Created by: Marcin Lenart
Created: May 2004
Modified: May 12, 2004