
Events Calendar


Randomized Newton methods for large least-squares problems

Thursday, February 22, 2018
3:30 pm

POB 6.304

We discuss randomized Newton and randomized quasi-Newton approaches to efficiently solve large linear least-squares problems, where the very large data sets present a significant computational burden (e.g., the size may exceed computer memory or data are collected in real-time). In our proposed framework, stochasticity is introduced as a means to overcome computational limitations, and probability distributions that can exploit structure and/or sparsity are considered. Our results show, in particular, that randomized Newton iterates, in contrast to randomized quasi-Newton iterates, may not converge to the desired least-squares solution. Numerical examples, including an example from extreme learning machines, demonstrate the potential applications of these methods.

Contact  Dr. Tan Bui or (512) 232-3453